Welcome to my blog. I am a young, self-taught artist from the Gulf Coast, who wants to provide pyrographic artwork that sends a clear strong message. Please take time to look through my pages and posts. I appreciate comments, love making new friends, and covet faithful followers. Shout hello if you know me, or are just passing through.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Shearling Vest Upcycle

This is one of two shearling vests my grandfather brought to the states from Romania in 1975.   They are rather inexpensively made, being common farmer's coats and the outer jean is quite torn and worn.  In fact, the shearling liner is even torn in two places on one.         
So,  with Shearling now the fashion and very expensive, I plan on refurbishing or upcycling these two vests.  After all... (sarcastically) if Sheepskin scraps are SO expensive, why bother to throw it away? 
It will be an exciting project and I should be very glad to have a shearling vest once I am done. 

My plan is to first, pick the jean away from the shearling pieces (the vest is only three pieces of material) and lay the jean pieces on the new material and cut it out accordingly (adding 5/8 inches for seams). I hope to detail certain areas of the vest to dress it up a little, and may or man not add buttons.  The vest wont have that inside out look some shearling coats have but it will surely be nice. With success, the old will be spectacularly new once again!!  Wish me luck! 

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